Helpful Blog

Hi there.. I found this really interesting and inspirational blog. Check it out!

Lessons 3 & 4

So now that you have familiarized yourself with Dreamweaver, you are going to start learning about rules and style sheets, along with adding images and other fun things. Below is a list of tutorials to help guide you through this next phase of Dreamweaver.

Rules and Style Sheets
Basic CSS
Advance ID Selectors

First Dreamweaver Lessons, Yippie!!

So this week we are going to start digging into Dreamweaver. I will be posting links to tutorials that you will hopefully find helpful when going through your lessons. Remember, the more you work at the program, the easier it will come.

Setting Up a Site

Introduction to Dreamweaver

Beginners Layout Using CSS

Margins and Padding In Dreamweaver

The Elements of Navigation

I found this interesting article in Smashing Magazine that gives some in-depth looks at producing an effective navigation menu for web design. Check it out!

Blog Topic #2: Dude, this site is the coolest!

Find a site that you think is cool or cutting edge and well designed. Explain what this site is about and why you find it compelling. What makes the site cool or cutting edge and how does it differ from most sites that are out there? Are there special, unique, or interesting features to the site? Can you determine how the site was made and/or the tools and techniques that were used? Collect screenshots and links to post to your blog.

Here is a link for screenshot help

Can I get a resource?

Design and development for the Internet is a dynamic and constantly changing field. As technologies and practices change, designers need to be able to keep up. The fact is, nobody can know everything. And, there’s always someone out there who knows more than you. Given this, the web design community has always been very open to sharing information and inspiration. As a designer, it’s important that you learn where to find sites of information, inspiration, and resources.

Your task: find a resource and share the love. Find a site that provides information, tutorials, forums, stock resources (photos, audio clips, movies, etc.), scripts, downloads, articles, advice, design tips, or links to well-designed and inspiring sites. Tell us what the site is about and how it is useful and include a link to the URL.

Don’t know what kind of sites are appropriate? Here’s a very short list of resources that I like:

Blogging Goals

Goals for the course blogs include encouraging student exploration and contemplation of issues related to contemporary interactive media arts.Students will explore the Web to find, share, and discuss compelling and cutting-edge examples of interactive media design. Students will further investigate and discuss issues and practices related to interactive media including technology use; design principles and techniques.

Given that all of the students in the class will be searching and exploring the Internet for projects, resources, and other information that relate to interactive media design, a collaborative course blog will allow each student (and the instructor) to be exposed to more (and higher quality) projects and resources than each may have found on their own. Beyond being exposed to a wider variety of content (and points of view) students will contribute to the “collective intelligence” of the course and play a role in shaping course content and their own experience with the course.